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Sinopec, CNOOC in Talks to Buy Oil Field of OGX Petroleo

SHENZHEN, Aug 18, 2010 (SinoCast Daily Business Beat via COMTEX) --

China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (Sinopec; SEHK: 0386; SHSE: 600028) and China National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC) are separately in talks to buy a 20% stake in an offshore oil field owned by OGX Petroleo & Gas Participacoes SA.

Chinese oil producers and mining companies are not unfamiliar with OGX Petroleo & Gas Participacoes SA. On February 26, Chinese steelmaker Wuhan Iron and Steel (Group) Corporation (WISCO) purchased 21.52% of MMX for USD 400 million, which is one of the subsidiaries under OGX Petroleo & Gas Participacoes SA.

The deal comes after Sinopec and CNOOC came up with a plan to buy a stake held by Marathon Oil Co. in an Angolan oil block after agreeing a price of around USD1.8 billion.

Marathon has chosen Sinopec and CNOOC's joint offer over separate bids from ONGC Videsh Ltd., the overseas investment

arm of India's state-run explorer Oil & Natural Gas Corp., and Brazil's Petroleo Brasileiro, known as Petrobras.

Industries Qatar Unit Signs Iron Ore Deal With Brazil’s Samarco

Aug. 15 (Bloomberg) -- Industries Qatar, the Gulf emirate’s state-controlled petrochemical and steel maker, said one of its units signed a contract with Samarco Mineracao SA for iron ore pellets.

Qatar Steel’s contract with Samarco Mineracao, a Brazilian iron-ore pellet producer controlled by Vale SA and BHP Billiton Ltd., is for six years, Industries Qatar said in a statement to the Qatari bourse today.

Marine-highway developments provide boost for Aker Philadelphia Shipyard

Aker Philadelphia Shipyard has gotten an indirect boost with the selection by the U.S. Department of Transportation of a coastal freight service that wants Aker to build five container ships to be part of a marine-highway system.

The selection of American Feeder Lines Holdings L.P. of New York and its partners, the South Carolina State Ports Authority and the Port of Galveston, Texas, does not directly help Aker solve its current crisis - no new ship orders or financing - and stay in business.

The South Philadelphia shipyard is completing three product tankers, which have buyers, with the last to be delivered in May. Aker recently began layoffs among its workforce of more than 1,000.

American Feeder has signed a "letter of intent" with Aker to build five container vessels. But first, the New York firm needs to raise $750 million in debt and equity financing from hedge and investment firms to start the ship construction, likely in 2012.

Eight marine-highway initiatives, endorsed Aug. 11 from among 35 applicants by the U.S. Maritime Administration, are eligible to compete for an initial $7 million grant and future aid aimed at getting cargo off congested roads and rails and onto waterways on the East, West, and Gulf Coasts, the Great Lakes, and some inland waterways.

"We have the moral support right now," said Tobias Koenig, chief executive and cofounder of American Feeder Lines. "For getting investors, this has put us in a better position because the DOT now says, 'We want this done.' "

American Feeder wants to operate a "short sea" container service between ports from Maine to Texas, based on a business model used in Europe, Asia, and South America.

Cargoes are expected to increase in 2014, when the Panama Canal is expanded and mega-ships from Asia arrive directly at the East and Gulf Coasts. Ships on the marine highway would operate as a "hub and spoke" network, similar to that of the airline industry. International containers would arrive at "hub" ports and transfer cargo to smaller ships, which would take it to "spoke" ports.

"We're working hard to find a way to get going before the end of this year," Koenig said. "Once we're there, we are happy to put orders in to Aker."

Aker senior vice president Scott Clapham said, "We are encouraged that the DOT is supporting this important effort, and hopefully it will create future work. We think this demonstrates the long-term need for the shipyard."

In addition to the eight projects selected, six others were identified to apply for federal funds after "further development of concepts."

Those include a "New Jersey Marine Highway Initiative" sponsored by the state Department of Transportation and backed by the South Jersey Port Corp. to develop maritime-freight services in five locations: Upper New York Bay; Newark Bay; Raritan and Linden; Camden, Gloucester and Paulsboro; and Salem.


Módulos para P-58 e P-62

A Petrobras recebeu propostas de 15 empresas na concorrência para a contratação de 12 módulos para as plataformas P-58 e P-62. Os envelopes técnico e comercial deverão ser abertos nos próximos 45 dias.

A concorrência foi dividida em três pacotes (II, III e IV). O pacote IV, com três módulos de compressão de gás, compressão de gás booster e armazenamento químico recebeu o maior número de propostas. Dez empresas estão na disputa: Engevix, MacLaren/ICEC, Iesa, Carioca/Dyna-Mac (Cingapura), Techint, EBE, Tomé/União, GDK, Alusa/VME Process (Indonésia) e Imetame.

O pacote II foi o segundo mais disputado, com nove propostas: Iesa, UTC, Techint, Tomé/União, GDK, Usiminas, Galvão/Mendes Junior, SOG/Toyo (Japão) e Imetame. O pacote inclui módulos de desidratação de gás, remoção de CO2, injeção de água e remoção de sulfato.

O pacote III, que inclui três módulos de processamento de óleo, teve propostas da Engevix, Niplan, UTC, Galvão/Mendes Junior, SOG/Toyo e Alusa/VME Process.

Declinaram da concorrência as empresas Queiroz Galvão, OAS, Keppel Fels Brasil, Andrade Gutierrez, GE, Jurong do Brasil, Promon Engenharia, Exterran e Construtora Norberto Odebretch.

 Petrobras and Vale Report Offshore Gas Find to ANP

Perobras and mining giant Vale notified the country's National Petroleum Agency, or ANP, that a well in the Espirito Santos Basin tested positive for natural gas.

The find was listed on the oil regulator's Web site early Thursday. The discovery was made at the 1BRSA826AESS well at the offshore ES-M- 468 Block in the Espirito Santos Basin. Petrobras is operator of the block with a 75% stake, while Vale holds the remaining 25%.

Vale, the world's largest producer and exporter of iron ore and blast-furnace pellets, has ramped up its efforts in oil and natural gas exploration as it seeks to reduce energy costs at its mining and logistics operations. Vale is Brazil's largest consumer of natural gas.

Last year, Vale and Petrobras signed farm-in agreements that gave Vale a stake in several exploration blocks operated by Petrobras. Vale now holds stakes in about 26 exploration blocks, with 22 of those blocks operated by the federal oil company.

The filling was part of a routine process that the ANP requires of oil companies operating in Brazil. Oil companies must inform the ANP of indications of oil, gas or hydrocarbons in any exploratory well within 48 hours. The disclosures are routine, and do not indicate commercial viability.

The well was drilled by the GSF Celtic Sea rig in 1,470 meters of water, targeting a total depth of 6,525 meters, ANP drilling data showed.

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