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Brazil Petrobras Reports Sergipe Basin Oil Find To ANP

RIO DE JANEIRO (Dow Jones)--Brazilian state-run energy giant Petroleo Brasileiro SA (PBR) reported an oil discovery at an onshore block in the Sergipe Basin late Wednesday.

The discovery was made at the inland SEAL-T-391 block in the Sergipe Basin, according to data on National Petroleum Agency, or ANP, Web site.

Petrobras reported that the 3BRSA786SE wildcat well tested positive for traces of oil. The Sonda Convencional 91 rig spudded the well, targeting a total depth of 780 meters.

Oil companies operating in Brazil must inform the ANP of indications of oil, gas or hydrocarbons in any exploratory well within 48 hours. The disclosures are routine, and do not indicate commercial viability

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