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Petrobras, Odebrecht Buy Control of Quattor,

Brazil’s Petroleo Brasileiro SA and Odebrecht SA agreed to pay 872 million reais ($504 million) for an indirect controlling stake in Quattor Petroquimica SA, Valor Economico reported, without saying where it got the information.

Petrobras, as the state-controlled oil company is known, and Odebrecht bought a controlling stake in Vila Velha Participacoes, which owns 60 percent of voting shares in Quattor’s parent Uniao de Industrias Petroquimicas SA, or Unipar, the Sao Paulo-based newspaper said.

Odebrecht and Petrobras are the controlling shareholders of petrochemicals maker Braskem SA.

Negotiations with Quattor shareholders haven’t been concluded, Petrobras said in an e-mailed statement to Bloomberg News, declining to comment further.

Spokeswomen for Odebrecht and Unipar, who asked not to be named because of company policy, said they couldn’t comment. Nelson Letaif, a Sao Paulo-based spokesman for Braskem, also declined to comment.

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