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Petrobras to speed up natural gas production in Amazon

Source: BN Americas
Date: 02/11/2010 15:08

Brazil's federal energy company Petrobras (NYSE: PBR) is planning to build a new gas pipeline in the country's Amazon region as part of an effort to boost local natural gas production, a spokesperson for the group told BNamericas.

"Petrobras is planning a new pipeline to connect four wells in the Juruá field. Each well will be able to produce more than 500,000m3/d," the spokesperson said.
In November last year, Petrobras inaugurated the Urucu-Coari-Manaus gas pipeline in the northern state of Amazonas.

The pipeline is 661km long and connects the Urucu municipality to Amazonas state capital Manaus. The pipeline is capable of transporting 4.1Mm3/d of natural gas.

Petrobras invested 4.6bn reais (US$2.5bn) in the project and will invest more in the coming years to build new natural gas facilities in the region, the spokesperson added.
Petrobras' gas reserves in the Amazon region, at 52.8Bm3, are the second largest in Brazil after Rio de Janeiro.

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