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EBX’s companies enhance their sustainability practices

Source: OGX
Date: 04/22/2010 14:01

OGX Petróleo e Gás, the Brazilian oil and gas company responsible for the largest private sector exploratory campaign in Brazil announces to its shareholders and the market in general the establishment of EBX’s Executive Office of Sustainability and EBX’s Environmental and Social Committee.

The Executive Office of Sustainability will be responsible for developing and implementing the Sustainability Plan of the EBX Group. Paulo Monteiro, Business Development and Environmental Executive Officer of MPX Energia S.A., will assume the role of EBX’s Executive Director of Sustainability. He led the licensing process of MPX’s facilities that are currently under construction, ensuring that best practices in sustainability were followed since each project’s inception, going beyond standards observed and required internationally.

The Committee, which was created by MPX and is chaired by Paulo Monteiro, was transferred to EBX, thus increasing its scope of activities to encompass all of the EBX group of companies. The goal of the Committee is to ensure the implementation of sustainable practices throughout all companies of the EBX Group, including OGX.

The Committee is made up of a group of recognized specialists, all of them with in-depth knowledge of areas related to environmental and social issues. The Committee’s main responsibilities are to: (a) contribute to the preparation of the EBX Group sustainability plan; (b) contribute to the definition of plans and strategies for the Environmental and Social areas; (c) comment on voluntary and obligatory actions, not only those currently in progress but also for future activities; (d) contribute to the definition of performance indicators for the proposed environmental and social activities.
As Eike Batista, President of the EBX Group, has been quoted many times: “Sustainability is not a goal, but our vocation – it is in the DNA of the EBX Group”.

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