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Petrobras hires seven new vessels within the Brazilian Shipping Companies (BSC) program

Source: Petrobras Agency

Date: 05/05/2010 10:30
Petrobras signed, Tuesday (05/04), at the Company's main office building (EDISE), in Rio de Janeiro, seven contracts for the construction of vessels for charter, for a term of 15 years, within the Brazilian Shipping Companies (BSC) Program, completing the 19 ships planned for this phase of the program.
Kingfish do Brasil Navegação Ltda. will build three vessels of 45,000 deadweight tons (DWT) for dark products (oil, fuel oil, among others), while Pancoast Navegação Ltda. will build four 30,000-DWT vessels, two for light products (naphtha, diesel, kerosene, gasoline) and two for dark products.
The BSC program is an inseparable part of a set of initiatives Petrobras has undertaken to drive naval construction in Brazil. The initiative is aimed to reduce maritime fleet dependence on the external market and generate jobs, always using international cost and quality parameters as reference.

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