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Brazil's Petrobras to appeal local content fine

RIO DE JANEIRO, April 27 (Reuters) - Brazilian state oil company Petrobras  is appealing a government fine for not purchasing enough of its goods and services from local suppliers, a company director said on Wednesday.

Brazil has pushed oil companies to buy offshore equipment from local providers to spur its oil services industry, although critics say this will boost costs for companies tapping the country's vast deepwater oil reserves.

"We are appealing it," Petrobras Exploration and Production Director Guilherme Estrella said on Wednesday on the sidelines of an industry event. "We are in conversations with (the government) about local content."
A director of Brazil's ANP energy regulator last week said the agency could fine Petrobras up to 28 million reais ($18 million) for not adequately demonstrating it had met local content requirements, according local media reports.
Licenses for Brazilian offshore blocks establish a minimum percentage of equipment such as offshore platforms or subsea systems that must be bought from local suppliers. The percentage varies from block to block.

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