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Petrobras lets subsea system contract for Congro, Corvina fields

HOUSTON, May 4 -- Petroleo Brasileiro SA (Petrobras) let a $130 million to FMC Technologies Inc. for the supply of two subsea separation and boosting systems for Congro and Corvina fields, which lie off Brazil in the Campos basin.

In addition to a subsea gas-liquid separation and boosting system for each field, FMC will also supply two subsea manifolds for handling the production and gas lift injection for 10 wells. Other equipment includes two subsea boosting module stations, pipeline tie-in equipment and subsea control systems.

FMC said the control system incorporates an innovative subsea robotics technology, designed by Schilling Robotics, to operate the manifold and separation station valves. FMC will engineer and manufacture the equipment at its Rio de Janeiro facility.

FMC noted that the Congro and Corvina project is FMC’s fourth subsea processing installation in Brazil, following Phases I and II of Shell’s Parque das Conchas (BC-10) field, and the heavy oil separation and water reinjection system for Petrobras’s Marlim field.

The company added that this project will allow Petrobras to demobilize one existing production platform and replace it with the two subsea separation systems.

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