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Subsea 7 lands Brazilian job

Brazilian giant Petrobras has awarded offshore engineering company Subsea 7 a five-year contract to supply a dedicated deep-water flexible pipelay vessel for operations off Brazil.
Josh Lewis 14 November 2011 09:12 GMT
Subsea 7 said it would build a new flexible pipelay vessel to carry out the contract which is scheduled to start during the second half of 2014 and worth an estimated $500 million.

The new vessel will be equipped for transporting and installing flexible flowlines and umbilicals in water depths of up to 3000 meters and will have a tiltable lay system with a top-tension capability of 550 tonnes, two under-deck storage carousels, a large deck crane and two work-class remotely operated vehicles.

Subsea 7 estimated the total cost of the vessel at $350 million and is expecting delivery during the second half of 2014.

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