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OSX wins SapuraCrest pipe-layer order

OSX wins SapuraCrest pipe-layer order

Brazil’s OSX has scooped $263 million contract from SapuraCrest to build a pipe-laying support vessel at one of its fledgling yards.
Eoin O'Cinneide 29 February 2012 10:34 GMT
The company’s Acu shipyard in Rio de Janeiro state, which has yet to be completed, beat off competition from various other builders to land the contract which it confirmed on Wednesday.

Malaysia’s SapuraCrest revealed in November that it had won a $1.4 billion deal from Brazilian state-owned oil behemoth Petrobras for the charter of a trio of yet-to-be-built pipe-layers. Only one of the newbuilds was earmarked for a local yard with two set to be built abroad. There are no optional contracts lined up, however.

Upstream previously reported that, apart from OSX - controlled by Brazilian billionaire Eike Batista - builders STX, Eisa, Brasfels and Wilson & Sons were in the running for the one Brazilain-built unit.

SapuraCrest has a joint venture in Brazil with Norwegian rig and drillship owner Seadrill through the latter’s subsidiary in the country, Seabras.

Seadrill is still aiming to float Seabras in Brazil in April and, amongst other things, plans to throw its stake in the pipe-laying trio into the listed vehicle along with a trio of ultra-deepwater rig and three drillships.

The three pipe-layers are all expected to start their Petrobras charters from October 2014, Seadrill revealed on Wednesday.

Published: 29 February 2012 10:34 GMT | Last updated: 29 February 2012 10:35 GMT

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