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In order to supply products to Petrobras, a company has two options: direct or indirect sales. The direct way consists in selling products without third parties between the company and Petrobras. Indirect sale is when you have a third party (EPC - Engineering, Procurement and Construction) between the company and Petrobras.

A prerequisite to supply to Petrobras in either of the ways mentioned above is that the company is registered in Petrobras’ Corporate Reference file with a valid Certificate of Registration and Record Classification (CRCC, Certificado de Registro e Classificação Cadastral).
For the cases where the company desires to supply indirectly to Petrobras, it is necessary, additionally to the CRCC, that the supplier product is included in the project Vendors List (VL). This Vendors List is a list of vendors associated to their respective products or items (equipment, materials, and services) which are included in EPC type contracts or Global Cost agreements, to instruct the contracted company with regard to the acquisition of equipment and critical materials for a unit to be built and, later, delivered to Petrobras.

Therefore, the Vendors List for a specific project is an attachment to a contract that third-party companies hired by Petrobras use to find these products from pre-qualified vendors. The Master Vendors List (MVL) is the reference database to prepare the Vendors List, as mentioned above. Petrobras’ business areas, new facility operators, have distinct MVLs, which are characteristic of the culture and specificities of their performance area.

The estimated execution time for the registration process is approximately eighteen months – six for CRCC registration and 12 for Vendor List registration. It is important to have in mind these are estimated schedules, which can be improved or delayed depending on the Client’s agility. The process is bureaucratic, and the documentation has to be sent by the Client to the legal representative in Brazil, who will review it before forwarding to Petrobras. The Client’s participation in the process has a large impact in terms of achieving or not the estimated schedule of 18 months for the complete registration process.

Therefore, companies interested in supplying to Petrobras indirectly shall include their products in one or more of the MVLs -

The process can be theoretically separated in two blocks: the first phase is finished when the CRCC is issued, and the second phase ends with the inclusion of the company in one or more of the Vendor Lists applicable. As already explained above, to be allowed to apply for the Vendor List, it is necessary that the company has the CRCC already issued.

For the first phase – to get the CRCC – due to the importance of the Corporate Reference File for Petrobras’ quality system, the registration process is a very detailed procedure that involves not only technical aspects, but also legal, economical, managerial, health, safety and environmental aspects. For this phase, the registration process is divided into two basic steps, as described below:
a) Step 1 – Pre-registration
The pre-registration is made online on the following link (, but it is necessary to send the original documentation to Petrobras. To start the pre-registration the company needs to be established in Brazil or have a legal Brazilian representation (person or company to be legally responsible for the process). The pre-registration is the first contact between the company and Petrobras, and consists of informing Petrobras the company’s principal data, specifying the person who will represent the company in front of Petrobras, selecting the services and/or products that the company intends to supply to Petrobras and sending the preliminary documents proving technical capacity;
b) Step 2 – Questionnaire Completion
The questionnaires are composed by technical, economical, legal, management and HSE criteria,
and, since not all criteria apply to all companies, they are defined according to the type of supplier, type of supply and the goods and services selected in Step 1.
The information provided in the questionnaires shall be demonstrated by attaching evidence. If the company does not attach the necessary evidence, it may impair the outcome of the company
evaluation, and may even prevent it in some cases.

The second phase consists in, with the CRCC in hands, applying to participate in one or more Vendor Lists. For more information please visit us at and contact us if you have any questions.

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    Brazilian Supplier Report


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