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New Data Confirms the Continuity of the Carcará Discovery, in the Santos Basin Pre-Salt Region

Petrobras announced in May that new data obtained
from the drilling of well 4-SPS-86B (4-BRSA-971-
SPS), which is testing the prospect known as Carcará,
reinforces the importance of the good-quality oil
discovery in block BM-S-8, located in ultradeep waters
in the Santos Basin pre-salt region.

It has been proven, so far, that there is a continuous
oil column of 171 meters in reservoirs of excellent
quality. New oil samples of approximately 320 API
were collected from reservoirs located at depths of up
to 5,910 meters, also confi rming the continuity of the
discovery that was reported to the market this March by
the Consortium.

Th e well is located 232 km off the coast of São Paulo
state, at a water depth of 2,027 meters. Th e well is
currently being drilled, at a depth of 5,926 meters and
still within the oil zone, to determine the lower limit
of the reservoirs and the total thickness of the zones of

Th e Consortium will continue with the activities and
investments needed to assess the area in accordance
with the Assessment Plan approved by the Brazilian
National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and
Biofuels (ANP).

Petrobras is the operator of the Consortium (66%), in
partnership with Petrogal Brasil (14%), Barra Energia
do Brasil Petróleo e Gás Ltda. (10%) and Queiroz
Galvão Exploração e Produção S.A. (10%).
From Petrobras News Agency.

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