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Brazilian construction group Odebrecht expects to post turnover of US$1 billion in Mozambique in 2020

Brazilian construction group Odebrecht expects to post turnover in Mozambique in 2020 of US$1 billion, said the group’s director for southeast Africa, speaking to financial news agency Reuters.
“In the next few years there will be significant developments in logistics for the coal and natural gas industries, and this is our main area of interest,” said Miguel Peres, adding that the company currently posts turnover of US$150 million per year in Mozambique.
Brazilian group Vale and Anglo-Australian group Rio Tinto, amongst others, are making significant investments in coal mining in the Moatize region, in Tete province, and transporting the coal from the mines produced is the main hurdle they are now facing.
The government and the private sector have announced projects to expand the current railroads and ports and two build other from scratch, and it is in precisely this area that Odebrecht plans to operate.
Peres said that a visit to the mines proved that there was coal everywhere that cannot be carried away due to a lack of transport capacity.
Odebrecht, which has been in the Mozambican market since 2006, has over 2,000 people on its payroll in the country, 80 percent of which are Mozambican.

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