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Braskem expands its portfolio and launches a new line of green plastic

The company will produce 30 kton annually of renewable low-density polyethylene

 Braskem, the leading thermoplastic resin producer in the Americas and the world's largest biopolymer producer, announces the expansion of its portfolio of renewable products with the launch of its new line of green low-density polyethylene (LDPE), with this new product family complementing its already well known Green Plastics. Annual production of the new resin will amount to approximately 30 kton and the product will be made available in the market starting in January 2014.

To ensure the production feasibility of the new line, investments were made in interconnecting plants and certain pieces of equipment in order to make possible the production of green LDPE from renewable raw materials. Two technology options can be used to ensure the production of a portfolio of resins with varying characteristics that allows for meeting a wider range of applications. LDPE is used mainly in plastic packaging and films.
Braskem has been producing on an industrial scale high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) made from renewable feedstock already since September 2010. The product is special because it is a thermoplastic resin made from sugarcane ethanol. It has properties identical to those of traditional polyethylene and, since it is derived from renewable materials, it helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions by sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as the sugarcane grows.
The expansion of the line of green products reinforces the company's commitment to creating value through the sustainable development of the industry's production chain, its clients and society, which are increasingly seeking to adopt practices that help reduce the effects of greenhouse gases.

"I'm greenTM" seal

To identify products that use Green Plastic and help consumers recognize them more easily, Braskem offers its clients the "I'm greenTM" seal, which is already stamped on over 50 products available in Brazil and guarantees the renewable origin of the plastic. Today, 19 companies and 23 brands have adopted the material made from sugarcane in their product lines, which include Danone, Embalixo, Faber Castell, Johnson & Johnson, Kimberly-Clark, Natura, Tetra Pak, Tigre and Walmart.

The seal's use is subject to compliance with certain rules. The criteria aim to create strong identification among end consumers and convey credibility and transparency.

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