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Aker win Brazil contracts

Offshore staff

FORNEBU, Norway – Repsol Sinopec Brazil has contracted Managed Pressure Operations (MPO) to provide managed pressure drilling (MPD) systems and riser gas handling services.

The three-year contract, with options for a further two years, involves use of the equipment for an ultra-deepwater operation in the Campos basin offshore Brazil.

Charles Orbell, head of MPO, which is part of Aker Solutions' drilling technologies business, said the program would “demonstrate the unique capabilities of our riser gas handling safety system and introduce the first deepwater application of our riser drilling device into an offshore MPD system below the tensioner on a rig".

The riser gas handling system helps control wellbore fluids during offshore oil and gas drilling. It detects an influx of gas into a drilling riser and diverts the gas to prevent a blowout.

The riser drilling device seals the area around the drill pipe during drilling operations. Integrating a riser drilling device with a riser gas handling system enables MPD drilling operations

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