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Brazil announces phase two of the Growth Acceleration Program

29/03/2010 16:55 - Portal Brasil

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva announces US$ 526 billion in public and private investments over 2011-2014 BRASILIA (March 29, 2010) - Brazil today launched phase two of the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC 2), with an estimated investment amount of US$ 526 billion (R$ 958.9 billion) for the period from 2011 to 2014.

For years after 2014, the estimated investment is US$ 346,4 billion (R$ 631.6 billion). The two periods combined reach an amount of US$ 872,3 billion (R$ 1.59 trillion). The second phase of PAC incorporates new projects with investments for the period 2011-2014 and also post-2014, and includes works started during the first phase with scheduled activities planned to happen after 2010.

PAC is a strategic investment program, which combines measures of management and works. In its first edition, released in 2007, the program called for investments of US$ 349 billion (R$ 638 billion), and 63.3% of this total have been used.

Just like in the first phase of the program, the plan is focused on investments in the areas of Logistics, Energy and Social-Urban, unfolded into six major fronts: Better City (urban infrastructure), Citizen Community (safety and social inclusion), My House, My Life (housing), Water and Light for All (sanitation and access to electric energy for remote locations), Energy (renewable energy, oil and gas) and Transports (highways, railways, airports, among others).
I consider PAC Phase 2 as a shelf of projects, so the one who comes to rule this country will not have to start from scratch, there is no time to lose,” said President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva during the announcement of the program.

Each of these groups has an estimate of resources. Groups Transports and Energy have a preliminary selection of projects. The other groups, just like PAC, will have projects selected in April/June, after dialogue with States and Municipalities.

AXES 2011-2014 POST-2014 TOTAL
US$ (R$ billion)
PAC BETTER CITY 3 1,3 (57.1) - 31,3 (57.1)
PAC CITIZEN COMMUNITY 12,6 (23.0) - 1 2,6 (23.0)
PAC HOUSING 152,5 (278.2) - 152,5 (278.2)
PAC WATER AND LIGHT 4 ALL 16,6 (30.6) - 16,6 (30.6)
PAC TRANSPORTS 57,3 (104.5) 2,4 (4.5) 59,7 (109.0)
PAC ENERGY 255,3 (465.5) 343,9 (627.1) 599,2 (1,092.6)
TOTAL 526 (958.9) 346,4 (631.6) 872,3 (1,590.5)


PAC – Better City
Areas – Sanitation, Prevention in Risky Areas, Urban Mobility and Paving.
Target – Tackle the major challenges of large urban areas, thus providing better quality of life.
Estimated investment – US$ 31,3 billion (R$ 57.1 billion) (2011-2014).

PAC – Citizen Community
Areas – Units for Immediate Attention (UPA) and Basic Health Units, Day-care and Pre-school centers, Sports courts at schools, PAC Squares, and Community Police Stations.
Target – Presence of the State in poorer districts – increasing coverage of services.
Estimated investment – US$ 12,6 billion (R$ 23 billion) (2011-2014).

PAC – My House, My Life
Areas – My House, My Life, SBPE Financing (Brazilian Savings and Loans System), Urbanization of Precarious Settlements.
Target – Reduction of housing deficit, stimulating the civil construction sector and generating job and income.
Estimated investment – US$ 152,5 billion (R$ 278.2 billion) (2011-2014)

PAC – Water and Light for All
Areas – Light for All, Water Supply in Urban Areas, and Water Resources.
Target – General access to water and electric energy.
Estimated investment – US$ 16,6 billion (R$ 30.6 billion) (2011-2014).

PAC - Transports
Areas – Highways, Railways, Ports, Waterways, Airports, Equipment for local roads.
Target – Consolidate and expand logistics network, interconnecting several modes, thus ensuring quality and safety.
Estimated investment – US$ 57,3 billion (R$ 104.5 billion) (2011-2014) and US$ 2,47 billion (R$ 4.5 billion) (post-2014).

PAC - Energy
Areas – Generation and Transmission of Electric Energy, Oil and Natural Gas, Shipbuilding, Renewable Fuels, Energy Efficiency, Mineral Research.
Target – Secure reliable supply through an energy supply mix based on renewable, clean sources; Develop discoveries in Pre-Salt, expanding its production.

Estimated investment – US$ 255,3 billion (R$ 465.5 billion) (2011-2014) and US$ 343,9 billion (R$ 627.1 billion) (post-2014).

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