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GAS: Petrobras inaugurates Gasene gas pipeline

(Source: Investnews; Sao Paulo)SAO PAULO, 3/29/10 - In a ceremony attended by President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Brazilian mixed-capital oil giant Petrobras inaugurated on Friday the Gasoduto da Integracao Sudeste Nordeste (Gasene) - the longest gas pipeline ever built in Brazil. Gasene is Brazil's main natural gas structure, as between 2003 and 2010 it has increased the country's pipeline network to 9,219 km from 5,451 km. Gasene is 1,387 km long, with 28 inches -thick pipes and a transport capacity of 20 million m[sup 3]/day of natural gas. It links Rio de Janeiro and Bahia states and integrates the Southeast and Northeast's natural gas transport networks. Initially Gasene will transport 10 million m[sup 3]/day, to be gradually raised through the construction of new compression stations according to market growth.
In a statement released Friday Petrobras affirmed that the pipeline has broken a barrier between the Southeast and the Northeast regions, as the former has the largest production fields and biggest consumer market, and the latter's gas production is insufficient to boost market growth.

The enterprise received an investment of R$7.2 billion and created 47,000 direct and indirect Jobs.

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