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Brazil's OGX Set To Begin Oil Production In 2011

RIO DE JANEIRO -(Dow Jones)- OGX Petroleo e Gas Participacoes SA (OGXP3.BR, OGXPY), the petroleum company owned by Brazilian billionaire Eike Batista, will start producing crude oil in mid-2011 at a rate of about 20,000 barrels per day, Batista said Thursday.

Projected output will grow to 730,000 barrels a day in 2015 and subsequently to 1.4 million, Batista told reporters at an event in Itaguai in Rio de Janeiro state.

OGX holds oil prospects in Brazil's Campos, Santos and Maranhao basins.

Various large international oil groups including Chinese companies have approached OGX about the possibility of setting up partnerships for oil drilling, Batista said.

"The Chinese are interested in investing in the offshore subsalt oil area in Brazil," Batista said. "They've already taken a look at it."

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