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Petrobras creates the South Exploration and Production Operations Unit

Petrobras' Executive Board approved the proposal for creation of the South Exploration and Production Operations Unit (UO-SUL), headquartered in Itajaí, state of Santa Catarina. The UO-SUL was created on account of the increased volume of activities at the Santos Basin Exploration and Production Operations Unit (UO-BS), aiming to improve the distribution of responsibility for the management of exploration and production operations for the Santos Basin, which ranges from Cabo Frio (state of Rio de Janeiro) to Florianópolis (state of Santa Catarina).

The UO-SUL will be in command of the production of the Tiro and Sídon areas, which are still in the extended well test phase and are currently producing about 17,000 barrels per day of light oil, and of the development of production at the Cavalo Marinho, Caravela, Estrela do Mar, and Tubarão offshore fields.

Onshore, in the Paraná Basin, the UO-SUL will be responsible for developing production at the Barra Bonita field. A definitive production system for Tiro and Sídon, capable of producing 80,000 barrels per day, is currently in the final contracting phase and is slated to go on stream in 2012.

Exploratory activities, including blocks located in the Pelotas Basin, where results are expected to allow for production continuity and growth in the area, are also being developed under the UO-SUL operations scope.

The creation of the UO-SUL will also afford the UO-BS greater guidance for projects and for production at the Santos Basin's Uruguá-Tambaú, Mexilhão, Merluza and Centro (pre-salt) poles, operations for which will continue being coordinated from Santos, São Paulo.

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