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Petrobras postpones bids in tender for FPSOs

Brazil’s Petrobras has postponed to early 2013 the opening of commercial bid documents covering integration work and construction of topsides modules for the first two floating production, storage and offloading vessels to be deployed on open acreage in the Santos basin pre-salt province.
Petrobras received bids from seven contractors to carry out integration of the P-74 and P-76 FPSOs on 14 September and was planning to reveal prices publicly on 8 November, but it is understood the company will now wait until next year to make its move.
According to sources, the decision was taken because Petrobras wants first to have a glimpse of the bids to be submitted on 14 December in another tender, this time for the integration and construction of topsides modules for the P-75 and P-77 floaters.
All four units will be installed on unlicensed acreage, including three at the giant Franco area and one, P-76, at the Tupi North-East accumulation. Each FPSO will have capacity of 150,000 barrels per day of oil and 7 million cubic metres per day of gas.
Quip, Jurong Shipyard, Engevix, CMO Construcao e Montagem and EBR, plus the Andrade Gutierrez-GDK and the Technip-Techint consortia presented offers in the first tender.
As part of the Quip group, only Queiroz Galvao, IESA and Camargo Correa took part in the bid, as the other partner, UTC Engenharia, is in the process of leaving the alliance.
Petrobras gave contractors three alternatives to bid in the tender. The first and second options allowed companies to submit offers solely for the P-74 and P-76, respectively, while the third option featured the possibility of a joint bid for the integration of the two units.
One source told Upstream that Petrobras has technically qualified the Technip-Techint bid for the P-76, also approving the proposals handed out by Jurong, CMO and Engevix for the P-74 or P-76, given it is unknown at this point as to exactly which unit each contractor bid for.
Petrobras also qualified the joint offers presented by EBR, Quip and Andrade Gutierrez-GDK, but has disqualified the Engevix bid for the two FPSOs on technical grounds.
CMO is proposing that FPSO integration takes place at its shipyard in the Suape area, in the north-east state of Pernambuco, near the Estaleiro Atlantico Sul facility. Jurong offered its new shipyard in Espirito Santo state.
Quip, Engevix and EBR have presented their respective shipyards in southern Rio Grande do Sul state, while Andrade Gutierrez-GDK is working to take the contract to a facility in Bahia state.
The Technip-Techint consortium offered the Paranagua yard, in Parana state, as the location for the integration of the FPSO. While the market eagerly waits for Petrobras to reveal the prices, many contractors are already preparing to bid in the second tender for the P-75 and P-77 floaters.
New players that are expected to feature this time include OSX, Mendes Junior, Keppel Fels and the Enseada do Paraguacu consortium made up of Brazilian engineering companies Odebrecht, UTC and OAS.
However, sources said that Petrobras will postpone the date for the delivery of bids from 14 December to sometime during the first quarter, likely stalling the entire process even further.
Despite the delays, sources agree that Petrobras should be able to have the four FPSOs operational as scheduled — the P-74 and P-75 in late 2016, and the P-76 and P-77 throughout 2017.
Meanwhile, Enseada do Paraguacu is already working on the conversion of the four FPSO hulls at the Inhauma drydock facility in Rio de Janeiro state.

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