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Wärtsilä gensets and thrusters for Brazil drillships

 Wärtsilä, has been awarded a further order as part of the ongoing Brazilian program to build a number of drill units (DRUs) to serve its offshore oil industry. This latest in a series of contracts won by Wärtsilä is to supply complete mechanical packages, comprising the generating sets and thrusters, for three new drillships to be built by Brazilian shipyard ECOVIX (Engevix Construções Oceânicas S. A.). The vessels will be employed in Brazil's pre-salt offshore oil fields.
The three new drill ships will each be powered by six Wärtsilä 32 generating sets and will feature six Wärtsilä underwater demountable thrusters. The special requirements stipulated by the Brazilian authorities have all been met. Delivery of the equipment will begin in 2013.
Wärtsilä says that its extensive experience in supplying state-of-the art vessel propulsion solutions for complex offshore projects is seen as being a key factor in the award of this and previous related contracts within the framework of the DRU program. The programme involves significant investments in highly advanced special purpose vessels. The risks associated with project completion deadlines need, therefore, to be mitigated to the maximum possible extent. Of the contracts thus far awarded as part of Brazil's DRU program, Wärtsilä has been the most selected project partner.
"The emergence of Wärtsilä as the partner most frequently specified in the DRU program is no coincidence. Our experience as a global leader in systems integration, and our successful track record in providing total integrated solutions for the most demanding and difficult offshore applications, adds real value regarding the project completion targets," says Magnus Miemois, Vice President, Solutions, Wärtsilä Ship Power.

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