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Five get set to battle for Carioca prize

BRAZILIAN oil giant Petrobras has started preliminary talks with a number of contractors ahead of launching a much-anticipated tender to charter the first floating production, storage and offloading vessel to exploit pre-salt carbonate reservoirs in the Carioca accumulation in the Santos basin.
According to a source, Petrobras is due to publish Carioca FPSO bidding rules in early May and has so far been in touch with Schahin, Queiroz Galvao, Odebrecht, Camargo Correa, Modec International, SBM Offshore, OSX, BW Offshore and Teekay Offshore.
Contractors expect Petrobras to officially launch the tender and formal invitations in the coming days.
Brazilian engineering company Schahin will again team up with Japan’s Modec International, while local player Queiroz Galvao will maintain its partnership with European floater specialist SBM Offshore.
Those two consortia grabbed all the chartered FPSOs that Brazilian state-controlled company Petrobras has tendered in the past four years for the Santos basin pre-salt province

The plan is to receive commercial proposals in mid-June for one floater with capacity for 100,000 barrels per day of oil and 5 million cubic metres per day of natural gas.

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