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Material Fact - Agreement to Acquire 60% Participating Interest in the Polvo Field

RIO DE JANEIRO, - HRT Participações em Petróleo S.A. (the "Company" or "HRT") (BM&FBOVESPA: HRTP3, TSX-V: HRP), together with its wholly-owned subsidiary HRT Oil & Gas Ltda ("HRTO&G"), has entered into a Purchase and Sale Agreement (PSA) with BP Energy do Brasil Ltda ("BP") to acquire a 60% stake in the Polvo Field for US$135 million having January 1st, 2013 as the effective date. HRT as well as HRT O&G have entered into a loan agreement with Credit Suisse to finance the majority of the acquisition price.

The Polvo Field is located in the southern portion of the Campos Basin, 100 km east of the city of Cabo Frio, State ofRio de Janeiro, and currently produces approximately 13,000 barrels per day of 20.3̊ API oil from three producing reservoirs: sandstones of Carapebus Formation, of Maastrichtian and Turonian ages, and carbonates of the Macaé Formation/ Quisamã Member, of Albian age. The license covers over 134 km of acreage with numerous attractive prospects for further exploration.

The PSA also encompasses the acquisition of 100% membership interest in BP Energy America LLC, the owner of the "Polvo A" fixed platform, and a 3,000 HP drilling rig, which is necessary to operate the field. The "Polvo A" platform is connected to the "FPSO Polvo" with facilities for hydrocarbon separation and water treatment, oil storage and offloading capabilities.
The completion of the purchase and sale transaction between HRTO&G and BP is subject to certain conditions, including the final approval by National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP). After ANP approval, HRTO&G will become the operator of Polvo Field.
"The acquisition of 60% of Polvo and the recent confirmation of our status as a Class "A" Operator by ANP are key milestones in the implementation of our strategy to diversify our portfolio beyond exploration assets. Polvo is a great fit for HRT. Our team of upstream professionals includes geologists and engineers who discovered and operated Polvo prior to BP's acquisition of the asset from the previous operator. We know the field well and see untapped potential for further exploration and future production within the larger license area." highlighted Marcio Rocha Mello, Chief Executive Officer of HRT.
About HRT
HRT Participações holds one of the largest independent oil and gas exploration and production companies in Brazil. The HRT Group comprises eight main subsidiaries: IPEX (Integrated Petroleum Expertise Company Serviços em Petróleo Ltda.), HRT O&G Exploração e Produção de Petróleo Ltda., HRT Netherlands B.V., HRT África Petróleo S.A., HRT América Inc., Air Amazonia Serviços Aéreos Ltda. and HRT Canada Inc.. The Company retains a 55% interest in 21 exploratory blocks in the Solimões Basin. HRT also operates ten exploratory blocks off the Namibian coast: eight blocks in the Orange Sub-basin and two blocks in the Walvis Sub-basin. HRT's team includes PHDs and masters in geochemistry, geophysics, biology and engineering, most of them former employees of Petrobras and ANP (Brazil petroleum agency). 

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