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Maritime Transport - Transpetro Fleet

Transpetro fleet has the capacity of transporting 2.9 million tons of products and is composed by 52 vessels.
. 9 relief ships, to offload petroleum production offshore
. 10 ships to transport petroleum and dark products (fuel oil and bunker)
. 7 ships for dark and clear products (diesel oil and gasoline)
. 18 ships for clear products
. 6 gas ships, to transport liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
. 1 floating storage and offloading unit
. 1 maritime support vessel

The coordination of oil tankers is made by the Maritime Transportation Managements (Getrams):

Getram 1 – It is responsible for operation of ships which operate in the production flow of Campos Basin and in the transfer of oil fuel in the cabotage between the Brazilian coast terminals. They also act in the export and import of fuel oil, mainly for Argentina and Caribbean. Ships: Bicas - Brotas - Pedreiras - Piquete - Piraí - Pirajuí - Potengi.

Getram 2 – It coordinates the operation of gas tankers. These ships are used in the transportation of LPG produced in Brazil or imported from Argentina. The Management also responds for a FSO in the Coral and Estrela Field and an AHTS type tugboat. Ships: Avaré - Grajaú - Guaporé - Guará - Guarujá - Gurupá - Gurupi - Tangará.

Getram 3 – It is coordinating the transportation ships of dark products and byproducts (fuel oil in general and maritime fuel oil) and those which are operating in the flow of crude oil produced in several parts of the Country. Ships: Candiota - Cantagalo - Carangola - Caravelas - Carioca - Lobato - Londrina - Lorena BR - Rebouças - Rodeio.

Getram 4 – It responds for ships that transport Urucu (State of Amazonas) production flow and those which transfer oil byproducts in the cabotagem between national refineries and large consumption centers in the Brazilian coast. Its ships also act in the import of automotive diesel oil from Europe and Latin America, in the export of ethanol to Venezuela and gasoline to Africa, and in the supply of diesel oil of supporting vessels in Campos Basin. Ships: Dilya - Itabuna - Itajubá - Itaperuna - Lages - Lambari - Lavras - Maísa - Nilza.

Getram 5 – It coordinates dynamic positioning ships and Fronape International Company (FIC), dedicated to Campos Basin production flow, mainly for the maritime terminals of São Sebastião, São Francisco do Sul and Tramandaí. Ships: Ataulfo Alves - Cartola - Navion Bergen - Navion Gothenburg - Navion Stavanger - Nordic Brasília - Nordic Rio - Nordic Spirit - Stena Spirit.

Getram 6 – The Maritime Transportation Management 6 is responsible for light oil byproducts ships which make the transfer in the cabotage between maritime terminals connected to national refineries and Brazilian coast ports not directly served by refineries. In addition to that, they also act in the import of diesel oil and export of ethanol and gasoline: Diva - Itaituba - Itamonte - Lindóia Br - Livramento - Marta - Nara - Neusa - Norma.

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