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Oil discovery in Angola

Date: 02/18/2010 12:22

Petrobras announces two new oil discoveries in block 15/06, in deep Angolan waters. The Company holds 5% stakes there, and Eni Angola with a 35% share, will be the operator. The discovery is the outcome of the drilling of pioneer wells Nzanza-1 and Cinguvu-1, which are located around 350 km northwest of Luanda, in a water depth of some 1.400 meters.

During the production tests that were carried out, the Nzanza-1 well produced oil with a density of 18 API gravity at rates above 1,600 barrels/day. At Cinguvu-1, the production test reached a maximum flow of 6,400 barrels/day of oil with a density of 23 API gravity. The other partners are Sonangol P&P (15%), SSI Fifteen Limited (20%), Total (15%), Falcon Oil Holding Angola AS (5%), and Statoil Angola Block 15/06 AS (5%).

Five oil discoveries have already been made in Block 15/06, including the Cabaça Norte-1, Sangos and Ngoma, in addition to Nzanza-1 and Cinguvu-1 wells. More exploratory wells are scheduled to be drilled during 2010.

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