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New Petrobras business plan expects to invest US$ 224 billion

Date: 06/21/2010 15:12

With investments totaling US$ 224 billion, Petrobras announces to market your Business Plan 2010-2014. Value that represents an average investment of $ 44.8 billion per year and an increase of 20% over the previous plan.

The Business Plan 2010-2014 foresees investments of 95% (US$ 212.3 billion) invested in Brazil and 5% (US$ 11.7 billion) abroad, placing significant investment with the market provider, with a rate totaling 67% local content, which means an annual level of recruitment in the country about US$ 28.4 billion.

In the area of technology, the business plan was based on three key challenges: (1) Expanding the Boundaries of new frontiers, the maximization of oil recovery, logistics solutions from pre-salt oil and gas, optimization of operational reliability and flexibility of refining capacity. (2) Value addition and product diversification, with innovation in fuels and lubricants, petrochemicals, gásquímica, biofuels and renewables. (3) and sustainability through the management of waters and tributaries of CO2 management and energy efficiency.

In the area of Engineering, the challenges will be overcome by reducing the complexity of designs and use of standardized solutions, and use of metrics in international projects to ensure our industrial competitiveness.

The segment of Exploration and Production (E&P) will receive investments of US$ 118.8 billion, an increase of 14% over the 2009-2013 PN. The funds will be used to ensure the discovery and appropriation of reserves to maximize the recovery of oil and gas concessions in production, and develop the production of pre-salt Santos Basin and intensify efforts in other areas of exploratory pre-salt and new frontiers in Brazil and abroad.

Besides the investments in infrastructure of US$ 12.3 billion needed for production growth, the company also is preparing to access the critical resources needed to implement this Plan. In this context, the company expects to have a greater availability of drilling rigs for deepwater in the international market, totaling 26 rigs by 2014 and 53 by 2020 and 504 support vessels by 2020 (254 in 2009).

The segment of Refining, Marketing and Transportation has planned investments of US$ 73.6 billion. The strategy to expand refining capacity was maintained, seeking a balance with the growth of oil production of Petrobras, adjusting the refining capacity to meet the quality levels of products required by the market.

Plan are provided in addition to the expansion of existing units, the entry into operation the Abreu e Lima Refinery in 2013, refineries Premium I, in 2014 and the first phase of the Petrochemical Complex of Rio de Janeiro - COMPERJ in 2013. With these investments, the total processed in Brazil in 2014 will be 2.3 million bpd.

Have investments in petrochemicals total US$ 5.1 billion, focusing on expanding the production of petrochemicals and polymers preferably through equity investments, mainly in Brazil, in an integrated manner with other segments of the Company.

The Distribution business will receive investments of US$ 2.5 billion, leaderships in order to guarantee national distribution, with a target of 40% stake in the domestic market in 2014, and performance in the distribution of oil products abroad.

After a phase of investment in infrastructure to transport natural gas for transport of produce and reach the consumer market, the segment Gas and Energy will receive $ 17.8 billion. These investments will be directed to consolidate the leadership of Petrobras in the Brazilian market for natural gas, rather than thermoelectric thermoelectric.

In addition, investment will be made for the chemical processing of natural gas, increasing the flexibility of the chain of Natural Gas and Electric Power Generation, and is planned (ammonia and urea) in synergy with other assets of Petrobras.

International - Although the most guidance on investments in the domestic market in the international arena will invest US$ 11.5 billion, with a focus on the development of exploration and production in the Gulf of Mexico (Cascade, Chinook, Saint Malo and Tiber), West Coast Africa (Nigeria) and Peru.

The segment of biofuels receive US$3.5 billion, operating in production, logistics and marketing of biofuels and participating in the value chain in Brazil and abroad, working in an integrated manner. The strategy in this segment of ethanol was redirected to the acquisition of shares in order to become a major player in the market, ensuring the field of technology for sustainable production of biofuels.

HSE, IT and R & D - The Company has earmarked investments to overcome technological challenges, operational safety and human resources. In the area of Safety and Environment (HSE) will invest US$ 3.3 billion, US$2.9 billion in the area of Information Technology and Telecommunications (ICT) and US$ 5.2 billion in research and development (R&D) with a total investment of US$11.4 billion.

The Challenge of Human Resources will ensure excellence in people management and talent identification, ensuring adequate training and education, with strengthening of culture and identity of the Company. The Business Plan 2010-2014 requires the acquisition and management of critical resources for their implementation. Skilled labor, supply chain and strengthened capacity of finance will be needed to achieve the large number of projects. The company is working to overcome these challenges.

The social and environmental responsibility is a cornerstone of corporate strategy of Petrobras, along with profitability and growth, and guiding the relationship with its stakeholders. The company operates based on the Global Compact's ten principles of the United Nations (UN), which is a signatory since 2003.

Our goal at HSE is to meet the significant growth and diversification of the company business in the coming years by continually improving the safety conditions of our operations, minimizing the impacts of operational activities and products on the environment and reduce resource consumption natural and pollutant effects.

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