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Transpetro launches ship built in Rio

Source: Petrobras Agency

Date: 06/24/2010 17:00

Transpetro launched into the sea today (24) in Mauá Shipyard, the first ship built in Rio for the Program for Modernization and Expansion of the Fleet (Promef). The launch was attended by the Minister for Ports, Pedro Brito, the President in exercise of Petrobras, Maria das Graças Foster, and the president of Transpetro, Sergio Machado. The event marked the reunion of the state, birthplace of the shipbuilding industry in the country, with one of his economic vocations.

The ship was named Celso Furtado, in honor of the economist who participated in the creation of the Superintendency of Northeast Development (Sudene) and laid the foundations of the current cycle of economic growth. It is a vessel for transportation of light petroleum derivatives with a capacity of 48,300 deadweight tons and 183 feet long. Besides the launch of baptism and Celso Furtado, was also carried out the keel was laid in the second of four vessels ordered products in the shipyard Maua Promef, symbolizing the start of the new vessel.

The schedule for release of ships planned for this year began on May 7 last day in the Atlântico Sul Shipyard (PE), with Suezmax João Candido. The State of Rio, the largest and most traditional marine industry of the country, already has 16 ships ordered by Promef, with $ 2.2 billion in investments. The program will create at least 50.000 jobs in the state, being 10.000 directs and 40.000 indirects.

The Maua Shipyard, which will build four ships products Promef is located in Ponta D'Areia, Niterói, a region where the Brazilian shipbuilding industry was born in the nineteenth century by the hands of the Baron of Mauá. "This release has a great historical significance, since it was right there at Ponta D'Areia where the Brazilian tradition of building ships began. We are returning to this tradition, ", said the president of Transpetro, Sérgio Machado.

The ship Celso Furtado is the first commissioned by Rio at a yard Petrobras to be launched, 13 years after the last delivery. The latter had been Livramento, completed in 1997 by Eisa Shipyard. The ship had taken 10 years to complete, in the midst of a serious crisis in the industry. The Brazilian shipbuilding industry, which had been the second largest manufacturer worldwide in the 1970s, virtually disappeared from the radars of the 1980s.

With the commissioning of 49 vessels of Promef, one of the main projects of the PAC (Growth Acceleration Program), the yards have been modernized and emergence of new production units, such as Atlântico Sul Shipyard in Pernambuco.

Today, five years after the release of Promef, Brazil already has the fourth largest worldwide portfolio of orders for tankers. Across the country, the construction of 49 new ships Transpetro will generate about 200.000 jobs, both direct and indirect. Of the projected total, 46 vessels have already been auctioned, with 38 contractors. The final three ships of the program are in the final stage of bidding.

According to data from the National Union of Construction Industry and Shipbuilding and Repair Offshore (Sinaval), Rio de Janeiro concentrates more than 50% of the total productive capacity of the country, with ability to process 288,000 tons of steel per year.

Over 40% of direct jobs generated in the sector are in the state, which now has almost 25,000 employees. Before the creation of Promef, the Brazilian shipbuilding industry employed about 2000 workers around the country Today, that number now exceeds 46 000.


Exploitation (studies and drilling for the discovery of reservoirs) and entry into production of the pre-salt fields opens important perspectives of orders for the Brazilian naval industry. Under the new Petrobras Business Plan (2010-2014), production of oil and gas nearly double, jumping from 2.7 million barrels oil equivalent per day in 2010 to 5.3 million barrels per day 2020 and greatly increasing the demand for shipping.

The pre-salt wells are located in deeper layers of the subsoil (six thousand meters deep), most are at least 250 km away from the coast. With this, the transportation of oil or gas produced and the supply of production platforms require innovative solutions for logistics.

Demands for the shipyards is still being quantified by Petrobras and Transpetro. Beforehand, it is known that the need for ships, platforms and production support boats will increase significantly over the first two phases of Promef, designed before the pre-salt discoveries.

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