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Brazil Vipetro Reports Espirito Santo Basin Oil Find

Brazil Vipetro Reports Espirito Santo Basin Oil Find To ANP

RIO DE JANEIRO -(Dow Jones)- Brazilian independent driller Vipetro Petroleo Ltda. notified the country's National Petroleum Agency late Tuesday that it had found traces of oil at an inland well in the Espirito Santo Basin.

The discovery was made at Vipetro's 1VITA7ES well in the ES-T-391 onshore block. Vipetro hold's a 100% stake in the block. The well was drilled by the SAT-2600 rig to a depth of 1,267 meters, according to ANP drilling data.

The find was the second for Vipetro in the ES-T-391 block in as many months. In September, Vipetro said it discovered oil in a separate well, the 1VITA6ES wildcat, in the same block.

Oil companies operating in Brazil must inform the ANP of indications of oil, gas or hydrocarbons in any exploratory well within 48 hours. The disclosures are routine, and do not indicate commercial viability.

-By Jeff Fick, Dow Jones Newswires

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Copyright (c) 2009 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

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