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Brazilian Standards - Standards Organizations

Standards Organizations

INMETRO is the main national accreditation body and is in charge of implementing the national policies regarding quality and metrology established by the CONMETRO, the council that oversees INMETRO’s activities. INMETRO is responsible for certification products, services, licensing and testing labs among other duties. More information about INMETRO can be found at
The Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) is also a recognized standards organization. All these bodies form the National System of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality (SINMETRO).

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Notify U.S. Service

Member countries of the World Trade Organization (WTO) are required under the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT Agreement) to report to the WTO all proposed technical regulations that could affect trade with other Member countries. Notify U.S. is a free, web-based e-mail subscription service that offers an opportunity to review and comment on proposed foreign technical regulations that can affect your access to international markets. Register online at Internet URL:

Conformity Assessment

INMETRO is the primary national organization in charge of tests and certification of labs.
Product Certification Return to top
There are very strict rules for regulated product certifications in Brazil. Brazilian authorities may require the retest of products if their approval has been granted by a source unknown to them. For non-regulated products, product certifications from other countries may be accepted. Brazil’s accreditation body INMETRO, along with its U.S. counterpart, NIST, is a signatory of two mutual recognition agreements: IAF - International Accreditation Forum; and IAAC - Interamerican Accreditation Cooperation. For details visit:


INMETRO is the main body responsible for accreditation of calibration and testing labs, inspection and other related activities. Brazil requires INMETRO’s accreditation for labs in most sectors, especially regarding products related to safety and security.
Publication of Technical Regulations Return to top
INMETRO and CONMETRO use their websites to dispense updates to technical regulations.

Contacts of main Standards organizations can be found on the following web sites:

 National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality - INMETRO

 National Council of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality - CONMETRO

 National System of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality - SINMETRO

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