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Brazil's Trade Regulations - Import Tariffs

Import Tariffs

Imports are subject to a number of taxes and fees in Brazil, which are usually paid during the customs clearance process. There are three taxes that account for the bulk of import costs: the Import Duty (II), the Industrialized Product tax (IPI) and the Merchandise and Service Circulation tax (ICMS). In addition to these taxes, several smaller taxes and fees apply to imports. Note that most taxes are calculated on a cumulative basis. Brazil and its Southern Common Market (Mercosul) partners, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, implemented the Mercosul Common External Tariff (CET) on January 1, 1995. Each country maintains a separate exceptions list of items for tariffs that could not be negotiated.
In 1995 Brazil implemented the MERCOSUL Common Nomenclature, known as the NCM (Nomenclatura Comum do MERCOSUL), consistent with the Harmonized System (HS) for tariff classification. Information about the NCM can be found at: The Brazilian Government established a computerized information system to monitor imports and to facilitate customs clearance known as the Foreign Trade Integrated System (SISCOMEX). SISCOMEX has facilitated and reduced the amount of paperwork previously required for importing into Brazil. Brazilian importers must be registered in the Foreign Trade Secretariat’s (SECEX’s) Export and Import Registry and receive a password given by Customs to operate the SISCOMEX. The SISCOMEX creates electronic import documents and transmits information to a central computer. More information at:

Import Duty (II)

The Import duty is a federally mandated product specific tax levied on a CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight) basis. In most cases, Brazilian import duty rates range from 10 to 35%. MDIC publishes the complete list of NCM products and their tariff rates on its site:

Industrialized Product Tax (IPI)

The IPI is a federal tax levied on most domestic and imported manufactured products. It is assessed at the point of sale by the manufacturer or processor in the case of domestically
produced goods, and at the point of customs clearance in the case of imports. The IPI tax is not considered a cost for the importer, since the value is credited back to the importer. Specifically, when the product is sold to the end user, the importer debits the IPI cost.

The Government of Brazil levies the IPI rate by determining how essential the product may be for the Brazilian end-user. Generally, the IPI tax rate ranges from 0 to 15%. In the case of imports, the tax is charged on the product's CIF value plus import duty. A product’s IPI rate is directly proportional to its import tariff rate. As with value-added taxes in Europe, IPI taxes on products that pass through several stages of processing are reduced to compensate for IPI taxes paid at each stage. Brazilian exports are exempt from the IPI tax. Brazilian Customs publishes the complete list of NCM products and their IPI tariffs at:

Merchandise and Service Circulation Tax (ICMS)

The ICMS is a state government value-added tax applicable to both imports and domestic products. The ICMS tax on imports is assessed ad valorem on the CIF value, plus import duty, plus IPI. Although importers have to pay the ICMS to clear the imported product through Customs, it is not necessarily a cost item for the importer because the paid value represents a credit to the importer. When the product is sold to the end user, the importer debits the ICMS, which is included in the final price of the product and is paid by the end user. Effectively, the tax is paid only on the value-added, since the cost of the tax is generally passed on to the buyer in the price charged for the merchandise. The ICMS tax due to the state government is based upon taxes collected on sales by a company, minus the taxes paid in purchasing raw materials and intermediate goods. The ICMS tax is levied on both intrastate and interstate transactions and is assessed on every transfer or movement of merchandise. The rate varies among states: in the State of São Paulo, the rate is 18 percent. On interstate movements, the tax will be assessed at the rate applicable to the destination state. Some sectors of the economy, such as mining, electricity, liquid fuels and natural gas are exempt from the ICMS tax. Most Brazilian exports are exempt.

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