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$2.5B Pemex Deal - Braskem & Idesa

RIO DE JANEIRO (Dow Jones)--Brazilian petrochemicals company Braskem SA and Mexico Idesa signed a deal with Mexican state oil company Pemex to invest in a petrochemicals complex, Braskem said in a statement Tuesday.

Braskem and Idesa will jointly invest $2.5 billion in the project, which includes an ethane-supply contract.

Braskem will supply 65% of the capital and Idesa 35%, Braskem said.

Ethane is a basic raw material used in petrochemical production.

A formal agreement will be signed in the presence of Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and his Mexican counterpart, Felipe Calderon, Braskem said.

Braskem and Idesa won an auction late 2009 to supply 66,000 barrels a day of ethane for 20 years to Pemex at its planned Coatzacoalcos complex in Veracruz State.

The new petrochemicals facility is due on stream in 2015.

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