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Petrobras signs contracts for Comperj

Petrobras signs contracts for the implementation of the Rio de Janeiro Petrochemical Complex

Source: Petrobras

Date: 03/09/2010 15:22

This Monday (03/08), Petrobras signed four contracts for the implementation of the Rio de Janeiro Petrochemical Complex (Comperj) in Itaboraí (state of Rio de Janeiro). The agreements are for the construction of the Complex's Atmospheric Vacuum Distillation and Catalytic Hydrocracking units. Additionally, a contractual amendment was signed with Cadae (the state water utility) and a cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Cities, the Ministry of Mines and Energy, the National Development Bank (BNDES), the Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF), and Petrobras.

With the water utility, the contractual amendment is for the construction, by Petrobras, of a duct. In turn, and as a counterpart, Cadae will supply treated water to the Petrochemical Complex construction work. "This is an agreement worth R$56 million, under which Petrobras will build all of the facilities to supply water to the Comperj. After the work has been completed, drinking water will be supplied to the Itaboraí region," highlighted Petrobras' Downstream director, Paulo Roberto Costa, during the press conference held Friday (03/05) at Petrobras' main office building in Rio de Janeiro.

The cooperation agreement, meanwhile, aims to make it feasible for there to be coordinated efforts among the participants in planning, detailing, and organizing actions and investments directed towards fostering development with social inclusion and socioenvironmental responsibility in the ambit of the municipal administrations that are parties to the Intermunicipal Easter Fluminense Region Consortium (Conleste). The agreement foresees enabling urban and social, sanitation, transportation, education, and habitation projects. "We will have a Master Plan for each town and a Regional Master Plan, which will serve as the base in order for this agreement to be able to direct resources to the required infrastructure," said the Downstream director.

The agreements were signed on Monday (03/08), in Itaboraí (state of Rio de Janeiro). The event was attended by the president of the Republic, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva; the governor of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Sérgio Cabral; Chief-of-Staff, Dilma Rousseff; and by the minister of Mines and Energy, Edison Lobão. Petrobras' Downstream director, Paulo Roberto Costa, and its Gas & Energy Director, Graça Foster, represented the Company.

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