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Petrobras inaugurates modernization work at the Presidente Getúlio Vargas Refinery

Source: Petrobras

Date: 03/12/2010 17:28

The president of the Republic, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, and Chief-of-Staff, Dilma Rousseff, participated in the ceremony held for the completion of the first stage of the enhancement and modernization work done at the Presidente Getúlio Vargas Refinery (Repar), in Araucária (state of Paraná). Petrobras’ CEO, José Sergio Gabrielli de Azevedo, and Downstream director, Paulo Roberto Costa, also attended the event.

Before the ceremony, President Lula and his delegation visited the Propene Production Unit, one of the plants that were completed in this first stage. In total, the unit will receive investments in the order of $5,4 billion for the construction of 19 new units.

Petrobras’ CEO, José Sergio Gabrielli de Azevedo, highlighted the importance of the large number of jobs the work generated. According to the CEO, more than 15 thousand employees work at the refinery today. "It is the largest investment in course in the state of Paraná and Petrobras' biggest investment in refining," he said. The number of employees there is expected to top 20,000 next June.

Strategic activities

To President Lula, improving the quality of the oil derivatives, the main goal of the enhancement and modernization work, will adjust Petrobras' fuel to the most advanced international laws. "In addition to improving the quality of life of the Brazilian people, we will be able to export derivatives, and not crude oil," he said. With the improvements, Repar will produce diesel and gasoline with lower sulfur contents.

Lula also emphasized Petrobras' strategic position in the country's economic development. To him, the Company was essential to combat the crisis in Brazil, when it decided to maintain its planned investments. The President also cited the pickup in the Brazilian naval industry, driven by orders Petrobras has placed for drilling rigs and vessels.

Expansion and modernization

In addition to the Propene Production Unit, the Integrated Control Center, the new Firefighting Training Center, a boiler and two power substations were also inaugurated. The modernization and expansion process at Repar, which got underway in 2006, is expected to be completed in 2012.

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