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HRT announces new subsidiary in Houston

Date: 04/19/2011 17:49

HRT Participações em Petróleo informed the opening of HRT America Inc., based in Houston, TX. The subsidiary is in charge of all G&G technical matters of HRT’s projects in Africa, having as initial focus the Namibia acreage that will be prepared and ready to be drilled in 2012.

“We are very excited about the creation of HRT America because, while based in Houston, this office will provide us the opportunity to hire the best experts in West Africa petroleum systems, and, for sure, will allow HRT to bring the Namibia projects to a drillready stage on 2012 and with the technical standards that our Organization requires”, said HRT CEO, Dr. Marcio R. Mello.
HRT America Inc. will be run by Dr. Wagner E. Peres, as president, who has extensive experience in technical matters and management of projects in the South Atlantic sedimentary basins and Gulf of Mexico. Having over 30 years of experience, Dr. Peres worked for Petrobras and Devon Energy. He was the proponent of the wells that discovered the Marlim Field Complex in the Campos Basin during Petrobras venture towards the exploration of the Brazilian deep-water in the 80’s, and the manager of the team that discovered recently significant oil reserves in the pre-salt of Campos Basin for Devon Energy.

“I am very excited about the opportunity that HRT has given me. I am sure that we will not only build an excellent team of petroleum geoscientists and engineers, but we also deliver the best results in our Africa projects, matching or surpassing HRT’s and shareholder’s expectations”, said Dr. Wagner Peres.

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