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Launched today in Rio stock for energy contracts in Brazil

It was released on Tuesday (12), the company BRIX, which is an electronic trading platform for electricity in Brazil. The platform, which began operating in June, aims to become the first business exchange of electric power in Brazil. The prospect of the initiative is to triple the turnover in the sector over the next three to five years, a jump of $ 25 billion estimated in 2010 to $ 75 billion.

The initiative will meet more than 1,400 agents working on the open market and represent nearly 25% of energy consumed in the country. The platform provides a number of innovations, among them the creation of an index to measure the value of purchase and sale of electricity, the BRIX Spot, which will measure changes in prices from trading effect.

According to members of the Brix, the stock comes to power purchase and sale of electricity in the country.
According to Marcelo Mello, who assumes the presidency of the company, the new trading model of BRIX, the process of energy trading contracts will reduce time and costs. "The communication of the electronic platform of BRIX is faster, transparent, efficient and direct. The current process, which is done by phone and takes a week to ten days to complete, can now be done in seconds with clicks. It is a huge reduction in time and cost, "he said. Mello even joked saying:" The current commercial process has low energy efficiency. "

According to the executive, the same way as in the current market, players who can participate are the agents of CCEE (Chamber of Electric Energy Commercialization). "The relationship is bilateral and in the same way that the regulations require all transactions contracted in CCEE will be recorded," says Mello.
Are partners of the firm: The entrepreneur Eike Batista and executives Josué Gomes da Silva, CEO of Coteminas, Marcelo Parodi, CEO of Compass Energy, economist Roberto Teixeira da Costa, the first president of Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), and the company Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), the only person of company and global leader in electronic trading on various markets.

Asked about the possibility of operation of BRIX also in Latin America, Marcelo Mello dismissed the expansion of interest at first, but stressed that the ICE (Intercontinental Exchange) has expertise abroad and would probably act this way yes. "Today Brazil has little export ratio of energy, something with Paraguay, are expected to arrive in Chile and Peru. But I have the impression that our focus is the Brazilian market. We already have much work to do here," he said.

And the oil?

Although Marcelo Mello have pointed out that BRIX will operate exclusively focused on the electricity market have dropped and that the company will enter another market that is not the power, Mr. Batista said he will use his vote to enforce the sale of oil as well. "We have the platform, why not? OGX will produce more than one million barrels of oil soon," he said. Eike compared to Facebook's new bag technology in the electricity sector.

Also according to Eike, other forms of energy may also be negotiated, such as ethanol and coal. "After the crash of Japan, nuclear power tends to go downhill. Try indomitable master something is very complicated and the research centers of the world will review it," he said, making a "bet" with gifts on this future " decadence "of nuclear energy.

Eike estimated that the costs that will be generated with the demands that come from Fukushima will make "the bill becomes priceless." "The Germans are a highly technical people, it came out because I realized," he added.
The incumbent shall be 23.75% of the new exchange energy, alongside partners Josué Gomes da Silva, Marcelo Parodi and IntercontinentalExchange (ICE). Economist Roberto Teixeira da Costa will be 5%.

At the time, Marcelo Mello said the Brix may have traded on the Stock Exchange. He said so far invested $ 15 million, and there is an investment plan of over $ 10 million. "If there are more calls for investments will be made, and the extent to which markets are developing, there may be going public," he said.

The expectation of the CEO of ICE (Intercontinental Exchange), Jeffrey Sprecher, who is at least a thousand people are employed to work in the Brazilian platform. ICE, founded in 2000, operates in counter and futures markets in the energy, agricultural commodities, carbon emissions, currencies and credit derivatives. Operates three regulated futures exchanges (U.S., Europe and Canada), two OTC markets (energy and credit derivatives) and five clearing houses and settlement (clearing houses).

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