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New discovery in Campos Basin Pre-Salt

Petrobras announces the discovery of a new oil accumulation in the Campos Basin pre-salt, through well 6-AB-119D-RJS drilled in the Albacora field, 107 km off the coast and only 3.2km from the drilling rig P-31. Preliminary volume estimates indicate an economically recoverable volume potential of approximately 350 million barrels of good quality oil (light).

Drilled at a water depth of 380m, it reached the total depth of 4835m, where an oil column of 241m was found, of which 104m are from the carbonate reservoirs of the Macabu Formation, with porosity around 10%.
This discovery will be the object of the Assessment Plan to be opportunely submitted to the ANP. The execution of the Long Duration Test to investigate the production behavior of this new accumulation will be decided after the assessment of the cased-hole drill-stem tests (CHDST) programmed for two ed intervals.

Petrobras Agency

Date: 29/04/2011 14:18

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